At AudioCodes, we firmly believe that our advanced communications software, products and productivity solutions exemplify unbeatable quality and value. In this post, we’ll take you inside Benelux-based Yource and show you how our innovative technology helped solve their work-from-home contact center challenges.

The Challenge
With agents located in over 50 sites in the Netherlands and abroad, Yource’s contact center operation had been based on a Genesys platform for several years, offering services to a wide range of business customers. However, when the COVD-19 crisis hit in early 2020, Yource was forced to close its offices and adopt a work-from-home model.
Although the Genesys platform offered a software client to connect agents and customers, this had to be installed by Yource’s IT department. But because many agents were using a variety of personal devices that the IT department was unable to configure, Yource needed to find a way to connect them to the Genesys platform without having to install dedicated software.
The Solution
AudioCodes proposed a Work-from-Anywhere solution comprising a WebRTC gateway that facilitates seamless communication between Yource’s Genesys platform and the agents’ computer.
Using AudioCodes’ WebRTC SDK, Yource’s IT team developed a customized WebRTC client that runs in any standard browser, with no software installation required. All the agents need to do is log in to the client web page and take incoming customer calls exactly like they would in the office.
As the icing on the cake, Yource chose AudioCodes’ One Voice Operations Center (OVOC) management solution for end-to-end visibility of the calls made via their platform, so they could identify and resolve call quality issues before they became service affecting.
The Results
AudioCodes’ Work-from-Anywhere solution enabled Yource to operate successfully in work-from-home mode without having to install special software applications. The solution’s full integration with the AudioCodes virtualized Mediant VE SBC meant that deployment was quick and easy, with robust security and reliable voice transcoding.
Tight integration with Genesys contact center solutions allowed the agents to offer a customer service experience on par with what they could deliver from the call center, while OVOC ensured consistently high call quality levels.
“With its ease of deployment and seamless integration with our Genesys contact center infrastructure, AudioCodes’ comprehensive WebRTC solution was a major factor in ensuring our agents could continue working successfully during the upheaval of the Covid-19 crisis.”
Freek Weijtens, IT Director at Yource Group