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Talented data engineer with strong background in big data and ETL pipelines for a full-time job in center of Israel under the media technology group. You will take part in the research and development of new AI based products.


·      Responsible for multi-lingual textual and audio corpuses

·      Defining and implementing ETL pipelines.

·      Big-data processing, indexing and retrieval.

·      Capable of vertical work from problem definition to product implementation.

·      Ability to work under pressure in both individual and teamwork.

·      Excellent interpersonal skills



·      B.Sc. / M.Sc. in Computer sciences / Data Engineering

·      Graduated with honor from known university.

·      GPA > 90


·  2-3 years experience.    

Strong background with software engineering, specifically Python programming

·      Spark\Hadoop Map-Reduce (PySpark)

·      NoSQL – MongoDB \ DynamoDB

·      SQL - MySQL \ PostgreSQL

·      Linux server-side development

·      Dockers

·      Apache Kafka

·      AWS cloud services (or Azure equivalents): EC2, S3, RDS and Athena, EMR, Lambda, API Gateway, Message Queue, Glue, Redshift.

·      Git and CI\CD pipelines

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