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  • AudioCodes Live Platform for Microsoft Teams

    Meeting the growing demand for seamless Microsoft Teams Phone and contact center consolidation.

  • Bring Customer Experience Capabilities to Microsoft Teams

    The Microsoft Teams certified Voca Conversational Interaction Center uses built-in AI and an Azure-native integration allowing every Teams user to become a potential agent.

  • All The Knowledge Shared Across Your Company Meetings, in One Click

    Meeting Insights gives everyone, every detail, from every meeting, in one central place. Base decisions on real insights from company-wide meetings, not hunches.

  • Contact Center Voice Innovation Throughout Migration

    Maintain reliable voice services and over-the-top innovation as you move to the cloud


Success Stories

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Berry Global

Global migration to a consolidated calling and contact center solution for Microsoft Teams

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"As a contact center engineer with over 15 years of experience with several platforms, I can confidently say that I’ve never encountered a company quite like AudioCodes. They actively listen to their customers and swiftly adapt to meet their requirements. If you’re utilizing Microsoft Direct Routing today and have the need for an omnichannel CX solution, do yourself a favor and consider AudioCodes Live and Voca CIC.”

Robert Kuper, Telecommunications Engineer at Berry Global
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50 der Fortune-100-Unternehmen und viele der weltweit größten Serviceanbieter

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