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Interoperability List

Achieve the highest level of interoperability between AudioCodes solutions and third-party vendors’ solutions

Proven Interoperability Covering Thousands of Installations

AudioCodes is committed to providing the highest level of interoperability between AudioCodes solutions and third-party vendors’ solutions – including unified communications and UCaaS solutions, contact centers and CCaaS solutions, IP-PBXs and other VoIP platforms – for our enterprise and service provider customers.

AudioCodes routinely performs interoperability tests* between different IP-PBX models and SIP trunk services. The outcome of each test is a detailed Configuration Note. These interoperability tests appear in the list below.

In addition to a Configuration Note, each interoperability test yields unique templates for our SBC Configuration Wizard to help facilitate super-fast SBC configuration. This innovative tool has been successfully used by our customers on thousands of installations, and is a simple and effective way to get AudioCodes Mediant SBCs up and running in no time at all.

* If you are looking for specific interoperability which does not appear in the list, please contact us at:

SBC Configuration Wizard

Visit the AudioCodes' Mediant Session Border Controllers (SBC) family page and learn more about the range of platforms that offer cost-efficient SBC and hybrid functionality.

To search for an interoperability solution, please use the filters below:


Vendor/Provider Names

AudioCodes General Information
Product Name Version Degree Date SBC Wizard Config Note
Mediant CE SBC 7.20A.252.269 Full 06/2020
Mediant VE/SE SBC 7.20A.252.269 Full 06/2020
Mediant 9000 SBC 7.20A.252.269 Full 06/2020
Mediant 4000 SBC 7.20A.252.269 Full 06/2020
Mediant 2600 SBC 7.20A.252.269 Full 06/2020
Mediant 1000 SBC 7.20A.252.269 Full 06/2020
Mediant 800 SBC 7.20A.252.269 Full 06/2020
Mediant 500 SBC 7.20A.252.269 Full 06/2020

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