In a recent blog post, I talked about how you can easily automate your outbound calling with voice-bots using AudioCodes’ VoiceAI Connect solution. I explained, to give just two examples, how today’s forward-thinking enterprises are seriously upgrading their customer service and sales processes – effortlessly enhancing everyday business tasks like reservation services and upselling – with a corresponding jump in customer satisfaction scores.

In this post, I’d like to focus on a nice bit of additional functionality that VoiceAI Connect brings to the whole outbound calling party – enhanced initial conversation logic.
A Quick Peek Under the Hood
It works like this.
Each voice-bot follows a script that can change during the call depending on what the caller says. However, when the voice-bot is performing outbound calls in the real world, a customer may well answer the call in a variety of ways, such as “Hi”, “Hello” or “David speaking”. These differing responses may well shift the call script in an unexpected or even unwanted direction, leading to customer frustration and a reduction in the effectiveness of the call from a business point of view.
To prevent this from happening, we recently added enhanced initial conversation logic to VoiceAI Connect, so that the initial message sent by the application to the bot does not include the customer's initial words.
Thanks to this handy little feature, VoiceAI Connect can easily stick to the initial calling script without getting lost and make the calling experience much more productive for you and your customers. And because we believe in empowering our users, this functionality can be deactivated through the system’s configuration settings should you opt not to use it for any reason.
What Is VoiceAI Connect Anyway?
Progressing naturally from our proven track record in telecoms and our innovative leadership in voice technology, we at AudioCodes created VoiceAI Connect as a next generation voice-bot solution. VoiceAI Connect is a communication hub that acts as a bridge between any bot framework, any telephony system and any cognitive speech service to support virtually any voice-bot use case.
By adopting a best-of-breed approach, VoiceAI Connect allows you to pick the best provider for bot frameworks and speech services. You can use VoiceAI Connect to implement virtual agents, conversational IVR, agent assistance and, of course, outbound calling.
And if you care about your customers’ experience whenever they interact with you – regardless of whether it’s an inbound or outbound call – VoiceAI Connect definitely isn’t just all talk.