In our highly competitive world economy, enterprises keen to stay ahead of the game instinctively understand the importance of providing a superior customer experience at all times.
This is especially true when it comes to contact centers. Today, callers to contact centers expect to have their queries dealt with quickly and professionally and, as a consequence, smart businesses are continually seeking new and innovative ways to boost productivity by expanding capacity at peak times, all while continuing to offer a human touch.
So, with that in mind, how can forward-thinking enterprises stack the customer service odds in their favor?
Enter the Voicebot!
Although chatbots have been successfully deployed in many applications to facilitate handy chat communication, there’s no denying that the overwhelming majority of callers still prefer that most intuitive way of communicating – voice. And that’s precisely where voicebots come in.
Powered by sophisticated AI and Natural Language Processing technology, voicebots allow callers to interact with IVR menus just by speaking. This results in a natural conversational experience for the caller, with much higher satisfaction scores.
In this way, simple tasks like providing account balances can easily be offloaded to an automated system to free up human agents for other calls. And should a customer query be too complicated for the voicebot to address, the caller can be seamlessly handed off to a live agent along with all the relevant call details for speedy resolution.
Meet VoiceAI Connect Cloud
AudioCodes VoiceAI Connect Cloud is a self-service portal (SaaS) for easily extending bot usability to telephony use cases and enabling the straightforward implementation of virtual agent, conversational IVR and agent assist applications.
Our latest release extends voicebot connectivity options, allowing you to easily integrate them with your contact center business flows or connect them to your telephony provider of choice. This is in addition to the existing option of purchasing phone numbers directly from AudioCodes.
It also includes:
- An updated user interface for even smoother navigation.
- An enhanced walk-through wizard that makes it easier to launch a service.
- Detailed billing reports for better cost visibility.
Sounds Great! But How Do I Get Started?
AudioCodes recently hosted a very popular webinar, featuring special guest Kane Simms, founder of VUX World, packed with expert tips to help you answer that very question. In it, we covered every aspect of integrating your voicebots with your contact center solution, including:
- An overview of the voicebot market and how to develop a winning voicebot
- What is VoiceAI Connect Cloud and why should you try it?
- Automating your contact center voice calls with VoiceAI Connect Cloud
- How to connect your existing public telephony provider to your voicebot
But if you missed the webinar, it’s not too late to get the full story. We’ve made the recording available right here so that you can see for yourself how easy it is to get the voicebot ball rolling.
Webinar Replay
VoiceAI Connect Cloud
The Easy Way to Integrate Voicebots with Your Customer Service Solution
If you liked what you saw and heard, and want to kick off your contact center voicebot revolution with the minimum of fuss, VoiceAI Connect Cloud could be exactly what you’re looking for. Why not give it a try today?