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Bizerba Germany
"Thanks to AudioCodes’ SBCs, Bizerba now has a state-of-the-art infrastructure for leveraging the power of Microsoft Teams, enabling our employees to communicate effectively with each other and with our customers, no matter where they are.”
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Tecpetrol Argentina
“Because of Microsoft’s great UC platform, our integrator Newtech and AudioCodes’ flexible approach and products, we managed to successfully migrate to Microsoft Teams and improve our customers’ experience and productivity.”
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Aqua Pharma Chile
“Thanks to AudioCodes, our staff can be completely confident that their contributions in business meetings with colleagues and customers around the world will be seen and heard clearly at all times.”
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Kaplan North America United States
"AudioCodes understood the product, they understood our environment and they were able to address each issue as it came up and resolve that issue to help us move along.”
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Enreach The Netherlands
"We believe that the Enreach Voice solutions are a perfect fit with the Microsoft Productivity portfolio, boosting our customers Microsoft Teams experience with the help of AudioCodes Live Platform."
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USR Electronic Systems Israel
“With AudioCodes, we achieved exactly what we were after - work from anywhere, fully linked to Microsoft Teams with ease of usage and the best quality that can be found! I know I can trust AudioCodes whenever I need to expand our USR migration.”
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Yource Netherlands
"With its ease of deployment and seamless integration with our Genesys contact center infrastructure, AudioCodes’ comprehensive WebRTC solution was a major factor in ensuring our agents could continue working successfully during the upheaval of the Covid-19 crisis."
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Puzzel Norwegen
„Die Migration zu einer All-IP-Sprachinfrastruktur auf Basis der Lösungen von AudioCodes hat uns geholfen, die Wartungs- und Netzwerkkosten zu senken, die Serviceverfügbarkeit zu erhöhen und die Skalierbarkeit der Dienste zu vereinfachen.“
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Bosch Gruppe Deutschland
„AudioCodes hat es uns ermöglicht, unser Ziel zu erreichen, ein zuverlässiges, hochmodernes Sprachanruferlebnis für alle unsere Mitarbeiter zu schaffen, egal ob sie sich im Büro befinden, aus der Ferne arbeiten oder unterwegs sind.“
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