Let AudioCodes take care of all the essential professional services needed to help you deploy your VoIP network devices, as well as providing you critical services, such as 24x7x365 monitoring, alerting your staff of urgent issues, and providing necessary software and hardware support to help you resolve any issues that arise.;
AudioCodesマネージドサービスは、AudioCodes製品の展開サービス、サポート、ソフトウェアおよびハードウェアサービスの完全なパッケージであり、継続的なメンテナンスと監視、ハードウェアの交換、および4時間のオンサイトハードウェアの交換、計画された構成などの高度なオプションが含まれます。変更、および定期的なサービスレビュー。 AudioCodesマネージドサービスは、製品やサービスのアウトソーシングを含む「従量制」の月額サービスです。
Which Managed Services are Right for You?
We provide you three Managed Services offerings, depending on your desired level of engagement:

Designed to let customers focus on the critical aspects of their business continuity requirements, AudioCodes will take care of all on-site deployment testing and commissioning services for your VoIP network devices, as well as providing dedicated client management, 24x7x365 monitoring, alerting your staff of urgent issues, providing change management, software support and options, such as 4-hour to site hardware replacement, to resolve any issues that arise while minimizing downtime.;
Our experts will develop a services package tailored to customers’ needs, including management of the on-site deployment, testing and commissioning of VoIP network devices, as well as providing dedicated client management, periodic performance reviews, proactive 24x7x365 monitoring and service restoration, as well as alerting your staff of urgent issues, providing change management, software support and 4-hour hardware replacement needed to resolve any issues that arise while minimizing downtime.;